Know the facts and choose smart! If you found this article by typing on Google the question: How can I make hair grow faster? you must know that despite all the “five quick steps” recipes that you will find on the internet, things don’t happen overnight! In fact, there are no shortcuts for a healthier, […]
How to take care of your thinning hair, post childbirth Hair loss after childbirth: If you are a new mom experiencing hair loss after childbirth, you should know two essential facts about the problem you are facing: firstly, hair thinning and hair loss after childbirth is absolutely normal, secondly, this is only a temporary condition, so you […]
The Benefits of a Hair Loss Shampoo: Premature hair loss can affect a person’s confidence and this is why many people look for a way to try and slow down the rate of hair loss that they are experiencing. There are a number of different hair loss products available on the market but the first […]
August 11, 2016 Rekze Laboratories unveils most complex hair care line designed to ensure optimal conditions for hair regrowth Rekze Laboratories Ltd, a privately held-boutique company, has launched its line of hair care products dedicated to cleanse the scalp and creating the optimal conditions for hair growth. With this launch Rekze Laboratories Ltd makes the […]
Procapil® VS Minoxidil. Watch out, Minoxidil! Procapil’s the new gem in the hair loss battle When looking for options for restoring hair loss, most people can name the two well-known chemicals: Minoxidil (trademark name Rogaine or Regaine) and Finasteride (trademark name Propecia), but there is a third compound, a botanical one, that demonstrates in many […]
Top 7 Foods That Enhance Hair Growth: Your hair can reap the maximum benefits of a balanced diet, much more than other body parts and become stronger, thicker and nourished, as this is one of the key elements in the process of hair growth. Even if the results won’t show, the changes do take rapidly and […]
Home Remedies For Hair Loss: It is common for people to lose strands of their hair especially when it is wet or when they comb it very often. But some hair fall is needed so new hair strands can replace it. The average number of hair strands someone loses a day is around a hundred. […]
The anti-hair loss and hair regrowth battle: Minoxidil, Nanoxidil, Procapil and Aminexil We’ve compiled a list of data and information on these ingredients including: price, comparison, review and side effects. As one of our customers asked us why should they use ’24’ serum with Procapil complex when there are already plenty of products out there […]
Citric acid does magic for hair growth Citric acid or lemon which is one of the most used fruits of the citrus family when it comes to foods, but did you know lemon juice makes also a remarkable hair care ingredient that helps hair grow? It contains high levels of Vitamin, Folic Acid and Vitamin […]
DHT Blocker and Hair Loss: The facts about DHT hair loss Let’s begin by saying that for many people Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is not something you want to reduce or eliminate from the body. However, keeping DHT levels under control is probably a prudent course of action. Before we go any further, let’s understand what DHT […]