Hair growth shampoo with Emu Oil: Why Emu oil is helpful for hair growth? Who would have thought that one of the most effective ingredients against hair loss can be found in the fat of that large lightless bird called Emu, which can only be found in Australia? Well believe it or not, research has […]
Best hair loss shampoo with Cinnamon – the perfect ingredient for a “spicy” hair Cinnamomum zeylanicum bark extract or simply put Cinnamon is one of the most popular spices that besides their flavoring uses, it has many medicial benefits for the body and hair. This ingredient used in hair products has antimicrobial and antifungal properties […]
Things you should know about Keratin When if comes to taking care of our bodies, we often forget our hair needs some extra care otherwise it faces breakages and the risk to fall. Each type of hair needs its own specific nourishment in order to grow healthy and strong. But all types of hair need […]
Is your hair thinning? You notice more hair on your pillow or in the sink than usually? Your scalp is more visible? You have patchy hair loss, peeling of the scalp or redness? Then you should make an appointment to a dermatologist! We’ve recommended more than once seeking a professional advice. WHY? Firstly, because there […]
Miami, October 10, 2016 REKZE LABORATORIES LAUNCHES THE WORLD’S FIRST SCALP WIPES DESIGNED TO CREATE OPTIMAL CONDITIONS FOR HAIR REGROWTH REKZE Laboratories has launched the world’s first scalp wipes designed to cleanse the scalp and creating the optimal conditions for hair growth, while helping make hair look thicker. The ’28’ scalp wipes combine over 28 […]
What you need to know about Alopecia or hair loss and most common types of Alopecia Alopecia is a more scientific way to say hair loss or the medical term for baldness, and it’s a condition that affects millions of people around the globe, men and women, alike. Androgenetic Alopecia is a form of hair […]
Sphinganine or Finasteride in fighting hair loss. Sphinganine and Finasteride in clinical studies Sphingolipids are well known to promote keratinocyte differentiation and to induce ceramide production. In addition, they show anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the potential effect of sphinganine on prolonging the hair anagen rate and […]
A healthy body leads to a healthy hair Exercising has a lot of benefits, but one few know is that it can improve your hair health too. What’s good to remember is that you should never over-exercise, and you should always consider also your body’s needs. Why we’re saying this? Because going to the gym […]
Astressin-B peptide for hair growth. Stop hair loss and support regrowth Astressin-B contained by our ’24’ anti-hair loss and hair growth stimulating treatment serum resumes hair growth, which results in thicker hair and also a darker pigmentation than the original. Peptide astressin-B it’s been found capable of reactivating the inactive follicles and of restoring normal […]
Can Apigenin promote hair growth? Yes, it can stimulate hair growth Rekze Laboratories has decided to use Apigenin in its line of anti-hair loss and hair growth stimulating products, for ’24’ hair growth treatment serum and ’28’ treatment wipes in particular. Multiple clinical studies suggest that apigenin, known to possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor properties, […]